• Why do I need to select 3 options?

We ask all participants to select 3 options in order to have more possibilities to match the expectations because the criteria for participant selection is “first come first served“.
In case of overbooking of your first selection, for example, you will still have the possibility to be selected for the second or the third one.

  • How many days does the mobility last? Can I take the flight a day earlier or return a day later?

Mobility duration is 5 or 7 days: 2 for travel + 3/5 for training. Only in cases of force majeure you will be able to buy flights on dates other than those agreed. The National Agency will assess whether the reasons for changing the date are valid.

  • If the accommodation is listed in the services included in the catalogue, is it optional? Can I book a single room?

If accommodation is included in the services the hosting partner offers, it is not optional because it is part of the experience and included in the prices indicated.
You can choose to stay in a single or double room in case it is specified and the hosting partner will book the room. You will be informed in case of extra to be paid to have the single room.

  • Why does teacher trainings cost more than job shadowing experiences?

Teacher trainings are organised with activities aiming to develop professional and technical competences of teachers. Expert trainers or specific workshops are organised and there are more costs to be covered in order to guarantee the presence of an expert trainer during the course activities. These trainings are available only for VET type of mobilities.

  • What is the course fee (in case of teacher training) or programme fee (in case of job shadowing) and how much is it?

It is a coordination and management cost to enable the hosting partner to organise meetings, visits and workshops and to pay the staff who will stay with the group. To find out how much it is, check the catalogue for your destination.

  • I am using this staff mobility catalogue for the first time and my school does not have any idea about how it works. What do I need to do to access the catalogue experiences?

If your school is part of the Uniser European community of schools, your Erasmus+ coordinator can just ask the Uniser Project Manager assigned to your school. If your school is not part of the Uniser European community of schools, please write an e-mail to newsite.uniser.net.

  • How can I pay the hosting partner?

Depending on the arrangements described to you by Uniser staff, you can either pay the partner directly through an invoice or your school will pay and you will receive the difference which you can use for non-inclusive services and meals.

  • Can I communicate with other participants and the hosting partner directly?

Before departure we will create a Whatsapp group where you can communicate with the other participants and the hosting partner directly, in order to ease exchanges and mutual knowledge.

  • I completed, signed and handed a copy of the mobility contract but did not receive the grant. Why?

One month before departure, the lead school sends the grant to all participants. If your departure is one week away and you still haven’t received your scholarship please contact your school contact person for Erasmus+ projects.

  • Will they give me a certificate of participation at the end of the mobility?

Yes, during the mobility the hosting partner will give you signed and stamped mobility documents, including the certificate of participation.

  • What should I do at the end of my mobility?

– Fill in a compulsory Uniser questionnaire. It is crucial for us to be able to receive feedback from you in order to constantly improve.
– Fill up a mandatory EU SURVEY questionnaire.
– Send us your return and outward boarding passes if you have not done so yet.
– Bring the mobility documents printed, signed and stamped by the hosting partner to school.

  • Can I participate in mobility in the same country where I teach?

No, in order to apply for Erasmus+ grant you need to stay at a partner organisation in another country.

  • What happens after choosing my 3 options?

As soon as you choose your options, please communicate them to the Erasmus coordinator of your school so he/she can start creating the paperwork, and when the call ends we will contact you in order to inform you about the results.

  • What does ‘country not associated to the Programme’ / ‘non Programme country’mean?

Countries which do not participate fully in the Erasmus+ Programme, but which may take part (as hosting partners) in certain Actions of the Programme. If you are interested in such destinations, please reach out to your school’s Erasmus coordinator to confirm whether you can use the grant for mobility in countries not officially associated with the Programme.

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